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Best Anti-acne treatment kit for Sensitive Skin
Anti Acne Treatment Kit

Best Anti-acne treatment kit for Sensitive Skin

Anti Acne Treatment

Acne is a particular problem and has been around for quite some time. Acne is a typical problem that happens when the pores of the face open up and the excess dirt, oil and grime accumulate in these pores. Prolonged deposition leads to a skin outbreak commonly known as acne. So this acne creates a bump on the skin and is more like an eyesore. The acne may sometimes get worse and even tend to develop puss cells. This leaves scars besides creating a lot of pain and mental agony.

The acne-prone skin is more often an Oily Skin Type. The acne-prone skin is delicate skin and needs special care to prevent acne outbursts. The acne can be caused due to multiple reasons – the 2 major reasons being Hormonal Changes and the other is the acne due to skin oil deposits. Oily skin is sensitive and just any other cream cannot be used on oily skin. The anti-acne cream needs to have the right amount of ingredients so as to remove the excess oil without deteriorating the skin quality.

Best anti-acne treatment kit
Acne Treatment kit

In an attempt to make the skin dry, the acne treatments tend to dry out the skin and in the process, the vital nutrients of the skin are also depleted. This makes the skin look dull and dry. We have to keep the skin hydrated and nourished yet oil-free. This approach will help in improving skin quality and also prevent acne outbursts.

The Sanctus Acne Treatment Kit comprises Sanctus Anti-acne Face wash and Sanctus Anti-acne Cream. The Anti-acne face wash removes the excess oil from the skin without draining the skin of its vital nutrients. The skin needs its required amount of all essential nutrients in order to breathe and glow.

Sanctus Anti-acne Face wash with its high dose of important nutrients such as Berberis Aquifolium, Lavender Oil, Amla Extracts, Aloe Vera Extracts, etc in calculated amounts are supplied back to the skin after removing the excess oil and dirt from the pores. This enables deep cleansing and paves way for the second step where we apply the Sanctus Anti-acne Cream on the Affected Area.

The second part of the Acne Treatment Kit is the Sanctus Anti-acne Cream. The cream is a local application cream that needs to be applied only to the affected area. The cream is also enriched with Berberis Aquifolium besides a lot of other ingredients such as stearic acid, Clove oil, and the rich goodness of Haldi, Neem, and Aloe vera. The cream helps to drain the affected pore of the excess oil deposited in it.

The 2-pronged attack on the acne leads to the desired clean look, clear skin. The major factor that makes Sanctus Acne Treatment Kit best amongst the rest of the others is that the Sanctus way of treating acne does not hamper the skin texture and rather improves it.


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