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Sanctus De-tan Cleanser – Best Tan Cleanser
De-tan Cleanser

Sanctus De-tan Cleanser – Best Tan Cleanser

Sanctus has pioneered cost-effective tan control products. Sanctus De-Tan cleanser is another product in their tan control lineage. Tanning is a common problem across the world and particularly in India which faces extreme summers. Tanning causes hyperpigmentation in the skin cells causing them to decay over a period of time. The Melanin deposits are unregulated which is primarily responsible for giving skin its color. As a result of all of this, the skin starts looking dark and pale.

Tanning may happen in any season – summers or winters. However, the summer sun is deemed to be harsher and known to cause tanning and sunburns. The tanning can be controlled if not prevented. The dark color of the skin is a result of the daily tan accumulated on the skin and this tan needs to be removed daily. Usage of specialist products will help you to remove the tan daily and hence prevent the skin cells from decaying.

De-tan Cleanser

How to Use Sanctus De tan Cleanser

The Sanctus De-Tan cleanser is a rich mixture of various ingredients such as Alpha Arbutin, Kojic Acid, Bees Wax, Badam Tail, Turmeric, Lemon Extracts to name a few. The usage of Sanctus Detan Cleanser is very simple –

Apply a generous quantity of the Detan Cleanser on your face and massage using circular motions on the whole face and neck. Continue the massage for a few minutes and then wash off.

What is De-tanning? Does tanning go away by itself?

Detaining is the name given to the change in the skin color caused due to overexposure to the sun rays. The sun rays on over-exposure have the tendency to penetrate into the uppermost skin layer and cause cell level damage. This, in turn, modifies the melanin deposit for the worse, and thus the skin color is darkened. The tanning usually doesn’t go away entirely by itself. It may fade over 4-6 weeks, but going away completely is not expected. The tan will go only with the help of the right type of Tan removal or tan control products.

Can Tanning Cause Skin Damage?

Tanning is caused as a result of the erratic melanin deposit caused by the damage done by harmful UV-rays of the sun. The dead skin cells may allow the sun rays to penetrate even deeper into the inner layers of skin and cause long-term skin damage.

Can Tanning be prevented?

No. Tanning cannot entirely be prevented unless you totally stop stepping out in the sun. The darkening of skin upon exposure to the sun is sure. There are multiple sunscreens available in the market that claims t block UV-rays – which is a myth. The tanning upon prolonged exposure is bound to happen. One can control the intensity of tan by covering themselves properly and minimizing the exposed skin areas, there however be a certain amount of suntan which will happen.

Which are the ingredients that can help control the Tan?

The main ingredients while choosing a Detan control product are good quality actives such as Alpha Arbutin, Liquorice, Vitamin C, and Kojic acid. These have their own importance while controlling tan and should be looked for while selecting a product to control the tan on your skin.

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