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Underarm Whitening Treatment – The how and Why?
Underarm Whitening Treatment

Underarm Whitening Treatment – The how and Why?

Black underarms and the treatment of Black underarms have been a menace for a long now. This has been affecting all those who are fashion conscious, color-conscious, and also those who like to maintain perfect cleanliness. However, If we look at it largely, we will be a part of any of these above set of people.

So, it’s important to understand that what could be the reasons for Blackened Underarms :

  • Excessive use of Deodrants
  • Non-maintenance of hygiene
  • Excessive sweating
  • Sweat retention for long hours
  • Shaving

As a result of any of the above cases, the pores in the underarm area get blocked and thereby cause Black discoloration. Also, we should be clear here that having black underarms is not an illness and in most cases not a cause of worry, but the damage it may do to someone’s confidence and self-esteem may be huge. In addition, Having black underarms may prevent you from wearing your favorite cut-sleeved top or going out for a swim on a hot summer day!

Sanctus here has come up with an Underarm Whitening Treatment Kit – Underarm Whitening & Sweat Reduction Cream for Women and Sanctus Men Underarm and Intimate area Whitening Cream for Men. Along with these creams, an underarm exfoliator is provided which is the first step towards underarm whitening followed by the application of the respective creams for Men & Women.

Underarm Exfoliator plays a vital role as it removes the dead layer on the skin and enables deeper absorption of the Underarm Whitening Cream. Otherwise, the cream would just be applied to the dead cell layer and will not give adequate results. The exfoliator is specially formulated for sensitive underarm skin and has the most optimum amount of scrubber as is required for exfoliation in that area. It is a blend of Lactic Acid, Allantoin, Olive oil, and mild scrubber, to name a few.

Once the Outermost dead layer is exfoliated(or removed), comes the role of Underarm Whitening & Sweat Reduction cream from the house of SANCTUS. The cream is a highly effective cream comprising of Lactic Acid, Licorice, Allantoin, Aluminum Chloride amongst many other essential oils and herb extracts. As a result, the results of this cream are not only miraculous but also long-lasting.

  • It controls the secretion of Melanin, which when retained in the skin makes the skin look black.
  • The cream is proficient in controlling the sweat to a great level.
  • Since the use of Deodrants is a known cause of Black underarms, the cream is equipped with deodorisers that control the bad smell emanating from the sweat.
  • Exfoliation is the most important part of the Underarm Whitening Treatment. Use the exfoliator every alternate day for better results.

The usage: thoroughly clean the underarm area and every alternate day exfoliates your underarms. After proper cleansing, pat dries the area properly and gently massage the Underarm Whitening into the underarms till it is properly absorbed. Apply the cream twice a day.  Voila, and the treatment is done! Just repeat these steps for at least 40-45 days for effective results.


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Lemon has a bleaching property that is good at getting rid of dark underarms, and contains anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties that can kill unwanted germs. However, lemon is acidic in nature and can dry out the skin, thus make sure to apply moisturizer to the skin after every application.

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